Fresh Start Canine Academy, LLC

Training for You AND Your Dog

Real world training, real results

Serving NH and Beyond


New puppy?

Let me help you get your relationship with your new pup off to a good start. We can start with a consultation before you even bring your puppy home so that you have a head start. Already have the puppy and feeling in over your head? I can get you coached up quickly so that you can immediately begin implementing practical strategies to get things under control. Puppy training will involve everything from appropriate socialization and addressing typical puppy challenges to introducing basic obedience concepts. Preparing your puppy to grow into the dog you want him to be definitely takes work but it can be such an enjoyable and memorable time if you have a solid plan in place.

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Imagine the possibilities!

Whether you are looking to develop a great relationship with a newly acquired dog or you need a fresh start to manage challenges with your current companion, I can customize a plan for you. We welcome dogs into our lives for a variety of reasons but I don’t know anyone who gets a dog to be a source of aggravation. If your dog is stressing you out far more than being a source of joy, let’s get to work. We can give your dog a solid obedience foundation as well as address any problem solving that needs to be done. If you didn’t set out to have a barking, jumping, pulling, reactive, destructive, unresponsive dog, today can be the day you get back on track to enjoy the benefits of dog ownership.

Please reach out and Jen will be in touch with you promptly to answer your questions and customize a training plan.

I do respond to everyone, so please check your spam folder if you haven’t heard back within a few days!

Available services:

  • Private lessons (to be scheduled at home or wherever will best serve you and your dog to achieve your training goals)

  • Group classes

  • New puppy/adult dog online meetings to develop a plan to get you on the right track

  • Online meetings for prospective dog owners to help you identify an ideal future companion. We will discuss matching a dog to your lifestyle, deciding on a puppy versus an adult dog, and locating reputable sources for your new pet.

  • Board and train for owners who would prefer to have me front-load the training process with their dog and then teach you how to continue the work at home

Welcome! I’m Jen. I’ve helped hundreds of dogs develop the skills that allow them to live richer lives with their families.

I’ve worked with dozens of breeds, countless mixed breeds, and dogs of all kinds of temperaments. Whether you want to climb mountains with your dog, become a therapy dog team, enjoy a walk at the beach, compete in Obedience, or simply stop worrying about what your dog is going to do in a million different day to day situations, I’d be happy to help!

You do not have to continue worrying about having people over, being the person walking the wild reactive dog through the neighborhood, or living with a dog who never stops barking. You can be the owner others look to and say, “I wish my dog would behave that way.” Once you’ve had a well trained dog, you will never look back. Please reach out so that I can help you get started improving your relationship with your dog.

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Contact us with questions or to start training: